What regional areas may join APPLE?
APPLE does not limit membership via regional location. Members are currently from the Long Island, NY City (Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn, Bronx, Staten Island), and throughout Upstate NY areas. We are a local and regional support group.

What is the age group of the children in APPLE?
Children & Teens of all ages are what make up A.P.P.L.E.'s family.

APPLE Family & Homeschool Group began as a homeschool group for children 6 and under. It has grown as the children grew! Some have already graduated!  (However, we still acknowledge that young children like to learn, and enjoy trips.)

As is common with homeschoolers, we don't "age segregation at A.P.P.L.E. functions."

Note: the terms "Children" and "Teens" are used interchangeably on this website.  We have High School Seniors / Young Adults, as well as alumni.

May I bring my child/children to APPLE meetings?
YES! Children are welcome at ALL APPLE functions!

Does APPLE have functions that are "Parent's Only?"
No, we do not have "Parent's Only" functions. APPLE's central purpose is for the children, and family atmosphere. For example, APPLE is planning a "Resource Day." At such time, children are welcome. If children do not wish to come with their parents to this function, parents are permitted to attend unaccompanied :-)

Does APPLE have programs that are for "Children Only" to attend?
No. APPLE's central function is for the children, and in a family atmosphere. APPLE is planning on having educational gatherings for the children, however, APPLE parents stay with their children, participating and taking an active role with their children.

What is meant by "family" setting? Does this mean that both parents must attend? How do you define a "family."
No. It does not mean that both must attend. A "Family" is an adult, and child, who care for one another and are a, well, family!  Whether that is two adults and ten children, or two adults and one child, or  one adult and ten children, or one adult and one child.  In fact, two adults make a family, don't they?  However, this is a homeschooling group :)  So, for our purposes, and since children/teens are our focus, they are our definition.

What is meant by "family setting," is that ALL A.P.P.L.E. functions (with the exception of those out of our control - e.g., a museum offering a class - and in those cases, we encourage parents to speak up to be included or allowed to attend) include parents and children/teens, without separation.  There are no coffee clutches.  No parents in one area and children in another.  In this way, NO ONE is ostracized, left out, uncomfortable, or forced to separate!  There are many children (teens also) who are not comfortable being apart from their parents (likewise, parents who are not comfortable being apart from their children).  There is NOTHING wrong with this.  There are many opportunities, if families so choose, to have separate outings.  There are few that keep families together. 

In fact, we have found that by meeting this need, children become stronger, and more confident, when their needs are met. We've had many members who have experienced this first hand. 

While every family is different, we merely ask that members respect this aspect of A.P.P.L.E., at A.P.P.L.E. functions. 

Is APPLE inclusive, or exclusive?
APPLE is inclusive; meaning that there are no specific criteria stipulating membership. We do, however, have certain "conduct" rules at APPLE. The central rule being, "Children are to be treated with courtesy and respect at all times during APPLE functions and/or gatherings."

We ask everyone to treat one another, as they themselves hope to be treated. We hope everyone's little lights shine!

Where do APPLE members meet?
APPLE offers local and regional support. Members meet in a variety of places. Currently, there are Long Island and NYC meetings, with contacts in Upstate New York. Members from all locations are invited to all functions. Trips to NJ also take place, along with other functions.

APPLE seeks to unite families throughout our Regions, who share the APPLE's focus, and to increase the networking relationships for our children! Planning is taken as necessary, so families can meet and travel to various functions.

How do I become a member?
There is no membership dues to join APPLE. A parent's heart for their child is all that is needed to become a member of APPLE!

Contact APPLE for information on how you can get involved! We look forward to hearing from you!

* Missed our Mission Statement? It's back at the Home Page.